Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In the Lions Den the Rasta Wolf roars!

In the Lion’s den the Rasta wolf roars
A Jamaica Missions memoir

Another Jamaica Mission memoir

George’s valley is a notorious community outside Mandeville in the parish of Manchester in central Jamaica and has a history of gunmen brandishing their weapons indiscriminately.
The Lion’s den is where young unruly Jamaican men called Rasta wolves’ “hang-out” and prance about smoking their ganja or what we know as marijuana. The religious in Jamaica refer to these young men in the Lion’s den as goats in wolves clothing ,compared to the Rastafarian sheep who claim to keep the law of the Nazarite.
The society in Jamaica also labels these young men “idlers” derived from Proverbs 19: 15 “Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.”
Joseph Johnson was a Jamaican preacher I befriended when I first arrived in Jamaica 16 years ago.
He recommended I and the American brethren needed to go on a Jamaican safari (to explore the Lion’s den where the Rasta’s wolf roar) in the land of the counterfeit Rastafarian.
Rastafarianism Is a religion originated in Jamaica eighty years ago inspired by Marcus Garvey a National hero and the back to Africa movement seeking to reconnect with their african culture and was made popular in the 1960’s when my generation went wild with the flower child movement. Hippie's of America connected with Bob Marley who sang of peace and love during political turmoil in Jamaica.  
The Rastafarian refers to God as JAH from what they saw in Psalms 68:4 “Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him.”
According to their own words the herb they call ganja or marijuana grew wild on Solomon’s grave; thus a gift JAH made for their sect to inhale. 
Another historical claim in Jamaica on the name of “Ganja” the seed was carried to the West Indies by indentured servants from India. The weed is described to be a magical herb that makes for a totally sweet, out-of-body experience.”
However, they fail to mention the long term effect of inhaling this noxious weed. 
The Rastas image of the “lion the tribe of Judah” (Revelation 5) is portrayed through braided hair called dreads; their heads shaped like a lions mane and has never seen a razor. They are vegetarians non-violent and meek; the opposite of the Rasta wolf, whose rebellious behavior is associated with violence and crime.
Our guide Joseph Johnson claimed the Lion’s den was a habitat of sin. When I and the brethren arrived and surveyed inside the Lion’s den a little corner lot off the main road beneath the shade of a pinmeto tree. We saw the intoxicated & red-eyed young men whom we knew were not going to find them eager to be our friends.
I know Mark quotes Jesus saying “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every CREATURE” (Mark 16:15) I realized then when the Lord emphasized CREATURE I know now how The Lord included the Rasta Wolf in the Lion’s den.
As we gathered outside the Lion’s den Joseph Johnson announced to these unruly young men, we are here to preach Jesus give an attentive ear cried the preacher.  Remember the Rastarian sect neglect Christ as the Son of God and His  image as the Lion the tribe of Juda.
I for one mused for a moment in my heart to inform the brethren maybe it best we depart.
Then Joseph Johnson started preaching from the book of Jonah Chapter 3 and cried “Hearken unto me” He preached Jesus was coming to destroy all you unruly boys. Boldly, he calls out to the young men in the Lion’s den who is your King here? Just then little fear overcame us brethren when a tall Rasta Wolf appeared before them all.
He stands out in-front of his band of wolves and with their hands they stared at us with their evil-eyes waving their braided hair toward us roaring with all fours cursing and saying “Here’s your Lion King old man.”
Joseph Johnson straightway responds and preaches back at the wolf- pack. The King of Nineveh repented in sackcloth and ashes at the word of Jonah! The aroma of ganja smoke still filled the air as these unruly young men continued to stare with an indignant glare while the preacher rebuked them "Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish! 
"Beware! Joseph Johnson warned; a day is coming when you will mourn and wish you had been born again" Just then an altar call was given outside the Lion’s den.

Joseph Johnson exhorted the Rasta wolfs to come out of Babylon (Jamaican preachers call sin city) and find real peace with the Almighty God. I know now in retrospect do not neglect to preach to any creature or religious sect; if nothing more, we are "to shake the dust from our feet" as a testimony to these Rasta young men born in sin.  

Nonetheless, The Lord did prevail that day in the Lion’s den a couple of the rasta wolves came to me and the brethren after the service and inquired where we would be preaching that night.
Now I learned a valuable lesson in my early Jamaica mission work. First, I was a coward that day. The old preacher wanted me to preach, I refused and abused my calling to the island and learned "no second guessing the Lord best to follow him even into the Lion’s den where the Rasta wolf roars."  
published in the Linn County News.

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